Superior employee benefit solutions are not merely compliant; they are cost-effective and strategically targeted. At Schulman Insurance every solution we recommend has to pass the toughest test of all – the diligence of Schulman advisors. Moreover, our recommendations are products of our knowledge and experience. They are flexible and reflect our excellent carrier relationships. Our health insurance brokers work closely with clients understanding goals, developing options and customizing plans that are true insurance solutions.

In addition to our strong carrier relationships, Schulman Insurance Brokerage has established relationships with Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs). As a cost-savings strategy, the PEOs bundle small groups together to enable small businesses to get lower, large-group rates.

Diligence is ingrained in our company culture. Schulman advisors continually review the market, assessing how new policies and products affect our clients. We offer strategic advice to optimize plans and programs as they become available or as our clients’ needs or businesses change.

Schulman Insurance Brokerage offers both service and solution, bringing connection, clarity and confidence to your Employee Benefit plans.